Summary: The Red Badge Of Courage By Stephen Crane

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Stephan Crane: The Naturalist of the Naturalist World Time periods can be defined by the events that occurred during them, the values of the people in society at the time, or the literary styles of the authors during the movement. In each era, certain people exemplify the characteristics of their time period. With realism and naturalism dominating the literary movement, Stephen Crane became a prominent figure in the late 1800s. Using his personal history and his literary experience, Crane became one of the most influential writers of his time. Influenced by both his personal life and his environment, Stephen Crane’s literary style in The Red Badge of Courage effectively displayed a strong naturalist background, which gained popular reactions…show more content…
He was born in New Jersey in 1871 to Jonathan Townley Crane and Mary Helen Peck (Stephen Crane). His parents, both devout Christians, wrote articles on religious matters and two out of his fourteen siblings were journalists. As a young man, Crane attended Claverack College, the military school where his interest in the Civil War and the military grew. Along with his interests in war, his writing career also began to advance. He wrote for his brother’s news service and started to write his first novel, Maggie, A Girl of the Streets. Crane decided to drop out of Syracuse University to pursue a career as a full time employee at his brother’s firm and a part time reporter for the New York Tribune. He had concluded that “’humanity was a more interesting study’ than the college curriculum.” Because he was exposed to poverty in his home in New York, Stephen Crane accurately depicted the people’s lives in his stories maybe examples of such stories and saw “individuals as victims of purposeless forces and believed that they encountered only hostility in their relationships with other individuals, with society, with nature, and with God”(Stephen Crane). Stephen Crane’s early life and experiences were clearly influential in his later works of naturalism works of literature or works of naturalistic literature

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