How Does Homer Use Humanism In The Iliad

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Ancient Greek authors often use humanism in their stories to convey a moral. In ancient Greek, hubris means excessive pride. It was seen as a characteristic of an individual and is usually associated with a person in a position of power. In the Iliad, Homer uses humanism to show pride as a vice. Throughout the poem, he demonstrates how pride is a destructive force through Achilleus and Hektor through humanism. In Book one of the Iliad, the argument between Achilleus and Agamemnon illustrates how pride can cloud ones’ judgment and actions are unjustified. “…I for my part did not come here for the same of the Trojan spearmen to fight them...we followed, to do you favor, you with the dog’s eyes, to win your honor…” (Homer, pg. 340, 148-155).…show more content…
Hektor may have fought for his family and city but as a warrior, his weakness was pride. With it being his weakness, it eventually it became his down fall as it turned in to cowardice. He realized that even though his pride gave him glory, it led him to his death which he accepts. “… It would be much better at that time, to go against Achilleus, and slay him, and come back, or else be killed by him glory in front of the city.” (Homer, pg. 366, 11-13). Hektor was able to retreat behind the walls of Troy, but decided to face Achilleus as he was confident. Even though he was well aware that he might die, he feels a sense of pride that he will die gloriously and remembered for being courageous. “And the shivers took hold of Hektor when he saw him, and he could no longer stand his ground there, but left the gates behind, and fled, frightened…” (Homer, pg. 367, 38-39). Hektor’s pride gave make him feel overconfidence but his courage failed him and he fled. This shows that that Hektor let pride blind his actions and judgment since prior to this moment, he was positive that he would be able to overthrow Achilleus. This is where his hubris turns in to cowardice making it his downfall. “But now my death is upon me. Let me at least not die without a struggle, inglorious…” (Homer, pg. 372, 206-207). Although Hektor accepts his death, he still feels a sense of pride that he should die

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