Summary: The Importance Of Nurse Fatigue

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Nurses in the health care setting endure strenuous work and long hours while caring for multiple patients. Studies have shown the correlation between working longer shifts and increased fatigue. An average of 80 % surveyed nurses claimed to have feelings of fatigue, they ranged from moderate to severe levels (Chen, Davis, Daraiseh, Pan, & Davis, 2014). Fatigue occurs when nurses have a high acuity of patients, shortage of staff, inadequate sleep, and prolonged work hours. Fatigue impacts the nurse’s ability to provide safe and proper care, it causes a decrease in patient satisfaction, and increases the incidence of patient error. The rise in nurse fatigue in recent years has drawn more attention leading to an increase of studies that show how to reduce the incidence of nurse fatigue. Proper interventions lessen negative outcomes towards the patient and nurse. Nurses are continuously on the floor providing care for patients, advocating on their behalf, and offering emotional support in their time of need. To prevent and improve on this issue numerous things can be addressed: Adjustment to shift lengths, insufficient of sleep, and measures to ensure better staffing. Working overtime or mandated to work can impose a risk to nurses, the patient, and to society (Trossman, 2015). Nurses that work lengthy hours have a…show more content…
Nurse need to verbalize how they are feeling when they are overwhelmed with work. The manager can hire new workers to fill in the shortage or have a proper schedule that is laid out so nurses do not feel overwhelmed. If it’s not about the shortage but due to the high rise of nurses quitting then the manager and supervisor need have a meeting to address this issue. Therefore, nurses need to speak up and provide proof on why this need to be changed. “As nurses, we are more apt to speak out for our patients, but not for ourselves.”(Trossman,

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