Summary: Response To The First Knight

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Response to “The First Knight” Throughout the entirety of this film, the settings, the symbols, the colors, and the dialogue are all used to depict the characters in ways that we either hate or love. If a character’s ideals and morals are aligned with the viewers all while developing the theme of peace, and justice, the viewers are bound to vouch for them. Likewise the elements of the film also allow the filmmakers to depict a character that is meant to be hated. This is precisely how Arthur and Maleagant are presented in “The Last Knight”. From the very beginning, though not mentioned verbatim, Arthur’s intentions and indeed his “great dream” are all very clear. He is from the very first scene, depicted as a grand, respectable character. Even the setting of his first few scenes immediately indicate that Arthur is a man to be revered, the bright blue clothes of him and his knights, the seemingly hundreds of torches all just for his sake scream “king.” As opposed Maleagant and his army who were portrayed in a way that fits their role in the film. As the “evil” counterpart of Arthur, Maleagant was represented to fit the role. The clothing of him and his army was rugged dark, and even had spiked coming out of the chest plate. The cave in which him and his army held Guinevere was dark, and uninviting. Even the first time he was in the film, he was seen…show more content…
As the movie goes on viewers begin to understand his ideals which all happened to align with those of Guinevere, and thus, those of the viewers. Even when on his death bed which was arguably only because of Guinevere and Lancelot, he kept his composure , even going as far as handing Guinevere over to Lancelot for protection. It is from these incredible displays of patience and virtuousness that it can be inferred that Arthurs only dream for Medieval England could be one that aligned with his ideals. A dream of a peaceful united

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