A Doll House And Trifles: A Literary Analysis

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In the world we live in today it is seen and recognized as unhealthy if a person is in a controlling or abusive relationships or marriage. Although this was not always the case, authors such as Henrick Ibsen and Susan Glaspell recognized this injustice and began writing to display this inequality in a society that viewed this as normal. These authors wrote A Doll House, and Trifles to explain the unfair gender roles that were not recognized by society at the time as unnatural. These writers did not only tell stories but created works that would span across time and create common ground for those facing injustice, they were not only creating plays but messages of activism to be bold and speak up for unfair acts against an issue. In both works, Trifles and A Doll House, women are seen as submissive and pitiful, whereas men are seen as powerful and superior; this is done to…show more content…
I realized as the men in this play placed certain rules and expectations on the women they began acting in rebellion secretly in spite of them. This rebellion became very evident with Mrs. Peters in the play with the shift of loyalty for the law by the end of the play. In the beginning of the play Glaspell writes Mrs. Peters as strong in her beliefs in the law and to her husbands job when she wrote, “But Mrs. Hale, the law is the law” (Trifles 261). Here the conviction to stand by her husband’s role as the sheriff is strong and she defends this notion to Mrs. Hale with her words. Although as the play goes on and her husband and the court attorney continuously take her actions to withhold this social norm for her husbands well being for granted, she begins to rebel (Trifles 267). This rebellion is seen when she covers up for the crime Mrs. Wright may have committed as Glaspell narrates this

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