Summary Of Your Paradise Chapter Summary

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“Your Paradise” by Ch’ŏngjum Yi Reading Summary The first four chapters of the book “Your Paradise” by Ch’ŏngjum Yi (pages from 5 to 72) introduce the island, where patients with leprosy are able to get their treatment, find a kind of shelter, and use the help offered. The story begins with an arrival of a new director of the leper colony, Colonel Cho Paeghŏn. He comes wearing the military form that makes some patients as well as workers treat him very cautiously and even feel uneasy. However, his arrival symbolizes a new beginning, a change that has to be accepted by everyone on the island. The chapters under consideration aim at describing some general conditions under which more than five thousand patients and two hundred workers have to live and the beauty of the island that consists of seven villages with their own rules and functions. Another peculiar feature of the reading is the role of a new director and his personal intentions to gain control over everything from the very beginning and make numerous attempts to change and improve something within a short period of time.…show more content…
It is very important to find a piece of understanding to get a chance and develop appropriate relations. The communication between Paeghŏn and Sanguk, the head of the Hyigiene Division, lasts almost during the whole chapters. It is used to introduce the history of the island, with its problems, rules, and functions to explain the reader that much information will be presented soon. And though some Sanguk’s words “are too intelligent sounding” for a new director (Yi 43), Paeghŏn is ready for a new challenge and tries to comprehend the expectations of the people

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