Summary Of White Privilege By Tim Wise

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White Privilege Tim Wise is an American anti-racism activist and a writer. Since 1995, he has given many speeches and lectures at over 600 college campuses all over the United States. He has trained teachers, corporate employees, non-profit organizations and law enforcement officers in methods for addressing and help to erradicate White racism in their institutions. Tim Wise, in his book, 'Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White denial in the Age of Obama” gives a new definition for racism. He calls it as Racism 2.0. According to Wise, racism has two meanings: firstly, an ideological belief in the racial or cultural superiority or inferiority of certain people defined racially as members of a group; and secondly, as a system of…show more content…
Numerous studies suggest that blacks face significant challenges toward attaining equality within the labor market. Studies also show that blacks’ human capital credentials receive more intense scrutiny than those of whites. During the time of promotions, the blacks' face a greater disadvantage in terms of a rise in pay, experience, hours worked, occupation, authority, region and city size. Furthermore, there is little evidence that this income gap has declined over the last quarter century. While the economic condition of blacks relative to whites showed some improvement under the Clinton administration, it is important to understand that the current patterns of inequality will persist for a significant portion of this century (Harris,2010). Policy discussions need to occur with an understanding that these patterns will not change overnight. Unfortunately, expecting that these inequalities do not persist into the next century is a realistic concern (Harris,…show more content…
The power of the color-blind ideology is threefold: firstly, it states that White people ignore racism; secondly it states that White people ignore white privilege and lastly it states that White people perceive whiteness as the norm. Most of these White people have no knowledge about White privilege because these people have had little contact with people of color and thus, have developed a sense of superiority over them based upon social stereotypes and media representations. Whites in stage one have difficulty seeing white privilege and may even resist the idea. For example, children of white parents often like mingling with other children who are White, therefore out casting the other students in the group based upon their race and ethnicity. Stage two is characterized by fear and guilt that stems from seeing themselves, perhaps for the first time, as holding racial prejudices. For instance, some people in the class share an awkward feeling towards a person of different color. They have this inexplicable tension and fear that they might say or do something offensive or embarrassing and perhaps, this could be one reason why they shy away from the situation of White identity. In the third stage, Whites deal with their guilt by blaming the victim, declaring that racial identity is the fault of minorities. For example, many white people fail to recognize that dominant culture as white

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