Summary Of Weapons Of The Weak

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When the word “resistance” comes to mind, what does one think of? Resistance can be portrayed however the beholder chooses to go about it. In Scott’s powerful text, Weapons of the Weak, he has two prominent views on this topic. He gives us a clear distinction of the two terms; everyday resistance and open defiance. As he states, “...what we might call everyday forms of peasant resistance the prosaic but constant struggle between the peasantry and those who seek to extract labor, food, taxes, rents, and interest from them.”(pg. 29) Some forms he suggests to illustrate everyday resistance consist of are foot-dragging, sabotage, or slander. On the other hand, he explains open defiance as more public and coordinated. Scott goes on to give an example; “In one sphere, for example, lies the quiet, piecemeal process by which peasant squatters have often encroached on plantation and state forest lands; in the other a public invasion of land that openly challenges property relations.”(pg 32) But what if Scott was blind to a third form of resistance? One that never occurred to him that would be just as powerful. Silence is has a voice. Resistance and open defiance have opened the doors to a new possibility that is just as strong.…show more content…
A combination that stems from both open defiance and everyday resistance. Yet, silence is equivalent to taking the higher road. Scott is blinded to the fact that it is just as effective as the examples he gives of resistance. Silence is a strategic form that can also prove many points. Just like the quote states, “actions speak louder than words.” Does resistance have to be vocal or violent to make a

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