Summary Of The Long Way Home By David Laskin

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The Long Way Home Report The Long Way Home, an American journey from Ellis Island to the Great War by David Laskin is a book about immigration. This book covers immigrations that was in 1917 when the United States went to World War. At this time it was about 2.5 million solders that fought with the United States armed forces. David Laskin writes a book about a dozen of immigrants that left their home land to search for a better future. These immigrants wanted to prosper from the poverty they used to live in and worked physical labor and fought loyally to become citizens. After these men come to The United States they are sent off to the Great War. The men that return become home as Americans. Many of these men come back American heroes, and also some give up their lives for this country.…show more content…
From the start of the book we see how much they struggle to survive. They live in poverty and hopeless. Not only economically but also they weren’t safe in their homeland. The background of these men was having to survive with little. The stories of when they were young had no hope, they couldn’t prosper. Some had wife’s and children and that’s why they immigrated to have a better future. Little did they know it wasn’t as easy as they thought it would be. When the men travel to the US in the boats we know that it is a horrific experience from the smells and the overcrowding. These men all pass through Ellis Island where over 12 million immigrants were processed. From this point the 12 men move all over the country like Pittsburgh and El Paso. The men that immigrated to the “Land of hope” seems much more complicated to them. They struggle from the start, the shocking reality that America is not a place where they can prosper

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