Summary Of No Justice For Canada's First People By Thomas King

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Thomas King, a Canadian-American novelist of Cherokee decent, writes about a personally emotional topic in his article “No Justice for Canada’s First Peoples” for the New York Times this past summer. He is disturbed that Canadian politicians are not comprehending the importance of the effects that the residential schools have had on the native population. Because of this, he is fearful that the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report released in June, may not assist the living conditions of the natives affected by the atrocities committed within residential schools. King introduces the horrors of the Canadian residential school system and how the government treated the native population in regards to the initial integration of the native culture into the Canadian Christian culture (para.5). He points out that the schools had a terrible track record of abuse towards the native people and states that, “Mortality rates at some schools reached 50 percent (King para.7).” What King is displaying is an open contempt towards the Canadian government’s actions and engagement in their respect to the aboriginal culture. He finds that the…show more content…
King mentions that the report may be beneficial to the healing process of the aboriginal people that are more severely affected. King is urging the reader to understand the unaddressed plight that has befallen the native people of Canada and, even though a prescription to respond to the problems of institutionalized racism exists, they are not taking proper steps to resolve them. The true benefit would be from the Canadian government’s acknowledgement of the agony that it has caused the native peoples and properly addressing it in light of the recommendations

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