Summary Of March By Geraldine Brooks

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Through the novel, March, Geraldine Brooks presents the turbulent life of a very flawed and complex man known as John March. Through March’s own narration, a tale is woven showing the present conflicts within his life which are subsequently interjected by the flashbacks of significant past events that give the reader a greater insight into the complexities of his character. As the reader ventures through this novel, a certain pattern develops within the life of March. A series of events take place in such a way that by the end of the novel it has been made evident that March is an acutely incapable man who, for some reason or another, seems to continuously fall far short of success. A close analysis of these failings can be summed up to find…show more content…
One such instance happens as Marmee states that she wishes her husband has consulted her first before spending all of their wealth to support John Brown in his vast Adirondack project. This thought can be juxtaposed directly with March’s earlier perspective in which he thought that his financial support had been viewed with esteem. This absolute misinterpretation of her approval was made worse in the fact that it was carried out due to his pride and ego with March literally stating that “she saw Brown as a heroic figure; I wanted her to see me that way… Well, then. If I could not earn my wife’s esteem, perhaps at least I had the means with which to purchase it.” In doing this, March effectively dwindles away his family’s collection of wealth into a state of poverty. Due to his actions, his family is forced to sell nearly all of their conveniences and move into a small and supple home, out and away from the privileges of their earlier status. Although it could be argued that this move was for the better, effectively forcing his family to live a more humble and gracious lifestyle, the fact remains that his ignorance and pride irresponsibly forced his family without consideration into their impoverished condition. It was from this same condition and mindset that he so too chose to leave his family for the war. In juxtaposing phrases, Brooks masterfully…show more content…
I raised my arms to him, imploring him not to say the words that I knew were forming in his mind.”… March: “And so I cried out: ‘I say ‘we,’ my friends, because if the army will have me, I propose to go with you.’” Marmee: “And then I in my turn had to pretend to be pleased by my hero of a husband… wanting to hurt him for the hurt he was inflicting upon

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