Summary Of Jennifer Rush's Alter

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The book Altered has many twists and turns that leave the readers on the edge of their seats. Altered is by Jennifer Rush and published by Little, Brown and Company in 2013. Jennifer believes that fiction is better than reality. She spent her teen years writing about vampires. Altered is her debut novel. The exposition of the book starts out with Anna sneaking down to the basement lab in the middle of the night to visit Sam. Sam is one of the the four boys that live in the lab. The rising action starts with the next morning. Th. e next morning, Wednesday morning, Anna and her father have a tradition that they do every Wednesday. Her dad makes lemonade and Anna makes cookies for herself and the boys. After cookies Anna had to take blood samples.…show more content…
They didn't know though because they all had their memories wiped. At the safe house they found nothing except what looked like a clue in Anna's dead mothers handwriting telling them where to go next. They were all confused by this. On the way Anna and Sam found another clue hidden in the tattoo that covered his back. The clue lead to a cemetery in Ohio. There they found an address of what they thought was another safe house in Michigan. What they didn't know was that it was Sam's house before his memory got erased. Over the next few days at the house they looked for clues to help find out about their past. During the few days that they were there some of Sam's memories came back and he found a box in the wall. In the box was money and a picture of Sam with a girl. With the money that they found they went to a mall to get clothes that they desperately needed. While there the agents that tried to take them from the lab found them. They chased them throughout the mall and two of them confronted Sam and Anna. Sam and Anna fought them off and met the others back at the car. The guys all realized that they had the urge to protect Anna no matter what. They all did even Nick who hates Anna. They had to get the guns that they lost back so they went to an illegal arms dealer and there they got into a fight…show more content…
The falling action starts after that point where Anna figures out who she truly is. Before the Branch wiped her moment and placed her with her "father". She found it had the girl Sam loved before he joined the branch was her sister and her parents were dead and her sister missing for years. Sam and Anna went to the address and found her abandoned house. Anna, Sam, and Nick found something out that night. That Trev was a traitor. He was working for the Branch the whole time. They also figured something else out. Anna was programmed to control the boys. They had to listen to her. As they fought to get away, Sam was shot with darts so he couldn't escape and Anna and Nick took off running with the documents. When they were running away, Nick was shot. Anna called her father and he met them at a barn that they were hiding out in. Anna's father stitched Nick up and they were coming up with a plan to get Sam back already. They went to the Branch's office to try to use the information they got from the documents to try to barter to get Sam and Cas back. Once they got there though the Branch's agents overpowered them and captured them. Riley tried to interrogate Anna but she used what they gave her in the room to escape. She stole his gun and threatened to shoot one of the guards if he didn't tell her where the boys were. He caved and told her. She found the boys and freed them. They were so close to

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