Summary Of Jacqueline Martinez's Phenomenology Of Chicana

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In Jacqueline Martinez’s “Phenomenology of Chicana Experience & Identity,” we are introduced with what phenomenology is and the application of phenomenological methodology. Under the phenomenological methodology, there are three general phases that Martinez briefly introduces in her preface. They are: 1) initial descriptive phase, 2) reduction phase and 3) interpretation phase. Together all three phases investigate the study of consciousness and experience. Because of this, phenomenology methodology is able to help create awareness on how we reproduce the discriminations carried by the dominant culture. Under the first stage of phenomenological methodology, the initial descriptive phase, it requires several items from an individual. To start off, phenomenological methodology “involves the stopping [of] the natural flow of our conscious awareness” (Martinez 2000, x). In addition to this, one must select “an experience to focus on, suspending all of our presuppositions regarding that experience (i.e. we invoke the epoché), and describing it in as full detail as possible” (Martinez 2000, x). What…show more content…
In Martinez’s preface, upon introducing the three phases in phenomenological methodology, she addresses the limits in phenomenology (i.e. difficulty to stop the natural flow of conscious awareness or difficulty in suspending all of our presuppositions). Nonetheless, Martinez goes on to state how these limits or paradoxes are what make phenomenological methodology “appropriate for studying human being and becoming” due to always being open ended and never really ending (Martinez 2000, xi). As a result for the open-ended nature of phenomenological methodology, the individual or researcher develops a stronger relation with “the very existential terms and conditions through which the phenomenological study develops” (Martinez 2000,

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