Summary Of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 '

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Winston is against the party with a lot of the other comrades, but syme is for the party. Winston is a very smart middle-aged white man who sees what Big Brother is doing and wants to put a stop to it. Syme is a hypnotized by the party, and does whatever they tell him to do; also he is a very violent man who enjoys seeing and causing pain to other comrades. Winston is a very intelligent man who wants to put a stop to Big Brothers rule and wants to see his country free again. Winston’s job is to re-write history to make Big Brother look like the good guy and that he is a savior to the world, but Winston and many other see what he is doing and want to put a stop to it. He lives in a one room apartment where his life is monitored by the “thought

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