Summary Of Bringing It To The Table On Farming And Food By Wendell Berry

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Wendell Berry’s called Bringing it to the table on Farming and Food is a short collection of essays mainly written from the 1970s through 1990s. The first essay in the book is called Nature as Measure which was written in 1989. He writes about how in the 1940s a farmer could take pleasure at looking at his farm. He says America was once a place where it was known as the place where someone driving through it would like it but now it has become a depressing experience to drive through. A few small farms remain and they stand out like “jewels”. There is less livestock and dairy and it has turned into more cash grain farming. Farm communities are declining and eroding and when the old die they are not being replaced. The second essay is named Stupidity in Concentration which was written in the year of 2002. This is about the stupidity of industrial animal production. The main reason of confinement is from the industrial version of efficiency. The animal factory designers made it so that they could feed the greatest number of animals in the smallest space. This is similar to concentration camps or prison. If you have more animals is such a small place there is a higher chance of disease and nasty organisms to come into your body.…show more content…
Mr. Berry says the most destructive issue of modern times is the rise of the machine. Until the Industrial Revolution came into the minds of people it was all organic. He says all of us should practice housewifery and husbandry. He says if we do that we decrease and minimize the chance of soil erosion, soil compaction, soil and water pollution, etc. And if we don’t practice husbandry or housewifery all those will come into

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