Summary: Noncompliance Violation Of HIPAA

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Noncompliance violation of HIPAA in healthcare HIPAA is used in health care facilities for patient’s privacy and security protection. This act prevents employers from invading patient’s privacy in a hospital setting. There are three core healthcare activities that complies with HIPAA: Treatment, payment and Healthcare operations. If the protected health information (PHI) is used in any other way than these core activities, it would be considered a violation of the HIPAA act. Treatment PHI can be shared within the pool of people who takes care of the patient. For example, a family doctor sending files to a specialist for the patient’s treatment. Accessing information for payment include: billing and collecting activities and reimbursement of the service from the hospital. This includes the transfer of information between the HCP and insurance companies for the reimbursement of their service. health care provider and operation: the use of the documents of client in order to ensure the quality of care that is given to them..…show more content…
Some examples of intentional violations are accessing medical records for family members or themselves, gathering information of patients that the health care provider (HCP) is not taking care of, Speaking of clients outside of care in lunch rooms or break rooms. These intentional violations can be easily prevented by the following measures: Do not access information that is not necessary for taking care of the patient, restrict making copies of protected health information for the patient’s family members,prohibit faxing the patient if the fax number is certainly correct. Patient health information should not be unattended. Destroy documents that are not needed for the care of the patient. Close the doors of patient’s rooms while discussing private information with the

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