Comparing Darkness 'And Acquainted With The Night'

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Frost and Dickinson use point of view, structure, and imagery to convey the element of darkness. Although they share this element in this regard the authors possess varying perspectives as to what the darkness connotes. In Dickinson’s poem “We Grow Accustomed to the Dark”, the darkness connotes uncertainty or doubt, whereas the narrator in Frost’s poem “Acquainted with the Night” instills night with a sequestration and a despondent meaning. In Frost’s poem darkness represents isolation, resembling ostracism from society exhibiting a melancholic perspective of the night. Dickinson utilizes the rhetorical device of imagery to show how one not only grows accustomed to the dark but also adapts to the changing environment. Darkness in Dickinson’s poem represents uncertainty, the…show more content…
“A Moment - We Uncertain step/ For newness of the night -/ Then - fit our Vision to the Dark -/ And meet the Road - erect –.” She describes the uncertainty felt, as it turns dark, as we wait for our vision to become accustomed to the new environment. Her conviction in the ability to adjust to this element of darkness provides an optimistic tone than the tone in Frost’s poem. Even the bravest that venture into the unknown and wander out into the dark may “hit a Tree/ Directly in the Forehead”. Insinuating that even the most audacious person will encounter adversities or stumble, but as time progresses, they will gradually adjust to the “darkness” and “Life steps almost straight." The concept and portrayal of darkness and night in Dickinson’s poems vary from Frost’s poem. Darkness is illustrated by the phrases “When not a Moon disclose a sign – Or Star – come out – within” as well as “I have out walked the furthest city light”. The imagery in the poem not only serves to convey darkness but it displays the vision of darkness to be a negative or isolating experience. “I have out walked the furthest city light”,

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