Suds Laundry Case Study

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Laundry is a chore done routinely in order to have clean clothes every day. It is a time-consuming task to do especially when people are busy working their jobs. The average time of working hours’ people need to work are from 35 to 40 hours per week depending on the countries (OECD Stat, n.d.). Therefore, people are usually busy and don’t have the time to do laundry especially if they have other commitment to tend to. Caloy Ang, owner of Suds Laundry stated that the modern urban lifestyle encourages more people to pay for laundry services especially when they live in condominiums where there’s not enough space to do the laundry (Humarang, 2014). Nowadays, people hire a domestic worker for helping in doing their chores in the household including cleaning and doing the laundry since they don’t have the time to do their laundry. According to USLegal, domestic workers are people who work within the employer's household to perform a variety of household services for an individual or a family, from providing care for children and elderly dependents to housekeeping, including cleaning and household maintenance (Domestic Worker Law and Legal Definition, n.d.). According to Economic and Development Department, Brunei, 54.4% of 18 000 employees working in the informal sector work as…show more content…
There are known problems associated with using the paper-based system in conducting business. One of the problems of a paper-based system is the paper itself that can easily be damaged and lost (Lazarz, n.d.). Lost or damaged paper can result in loss of information that might be important to the business. This lost can’t be recovered if there’s no back-up and even when there’s back-up, it is difficult to search the specific paper among all other papers (Schneck, 2015). The next problem is that the information might need to be handwritten which can make the information difficult to read and this can frustrate the reader (Lazarz,

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