Strength Of A Multicultural Psychologist Essay

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Psychologists are required to provide their services in professional and ethical manner. Because of the multicultural society sensitivity and knowledge of different cultures is fundamental for the best practice of psychologists. It is very important for psychologists to be able to understand different cultures. Also it is important to be aware of biases, attitudes, and beliefs that psychologists have about culturally different groups. The APA guidelines were created to help to understand and build the good relationship of individuals from in and out cultures in therapy, psychological education, or research (APA 19). Guideline #1: Psychologists are encouraged to recognize that, as cultural beings, they may hold attitudes and beliefs that can detrimentally influence their perceptions of and interactions with individuals who are ethnically and racially different from themselves. Guideline #2: Psychologists are encouraged to recognize the importance of multicultural…show more content…
Those two guidelines are very similar and I believe the most important for multicultural psychologists. Psychologists should be aware of their own weakness and strengths when they work with individuals from other cultures. First I will discuss strength of those two guidelines. It is very important for psychologists to be multicultural, especially in places like New York City. Even more important is to really understand and have good knowledge of different cultures. Good multicultural psychologists should have knowledge about the values, life, nature, and relationships of people who are culturally different then they are. According to APA (2002) all psychologists should educated them self to be multicultural so they can avoid prejudgment and many misunderstandings. The authors used example of calling someone by name. In some cultures is normal, but in some it may be disrespectful

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