Fahrenheit 451 Book Report

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Hello Baruch College Campus High School! I believe that I would be a great member of the Baruch High School community. Firstly I am an incredibly social child who is always looking to make new friends. I am also a positive risk taker and a great "team-player" because I always look to help other kids who might be struggling. Also, whenever I might not do so well on a test, I make sure that I study harder to improve more the next test. I also has many interests, which is shown in the many activities I am involved in. I love to play many sports including basketball, football, soccer, cricket, badminton, and soccer. In addition, I am a very talented clarinet player and is involved in his school’s band. On top of all of these activities, I attend…show more content…
(William Feathers). I have always been an avid reader who has read books as a way of enjoying and opening my mind to new ideas. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury introduces the idea of a dystopian future or a chaotic future. The book is centered around a man named Montag who works as a fireman, but here’s the catch. He is a fireman who burns things instead of putting out fires. Montag lives in a society where reading books was illegal and anyone caught reading books would have to be burned. Montag works with a crew of firemen and burn down buildings filled with books. Despite knowing such consequences Montag would face if he stole a book, he is able to get his hands on a book with anyone knowing. As he is sitting down with the book and reads, he truly finds out the true meaning of books. Knowing that he would be in serious trouble if caught, he secretly keeps them out of view when the leader of his crew comes into his house. Eventually however, Montag’s wife Mildred tells the firemen crew that Montag has been hiding books. In a critical sequence of events, Montag is forced to burn his whole crew to death and escapes. In all, this book has had an extremely great impact on myself because Bradbury work represents how social criticism still exists among books just like it did during the 1900s. Back is Nazi Germany, Hitler had order his men to burn any books that did not support German…show more content…
This intensive four-year program asks students to explore the philosophical, ethical and aesthetic issues of the human experience. We are committed to creating an environment that provides a place for students to develop high level thinking skills, meet performance standards that are above the minimum requirements set by the city and the state and develop civic and social skills which will lead them to become socially conscious, responsible citizens. In other words, Baruch College Campus High School is a great school that really helps many individuals to understand life more better and to generally become greater people of morality. I would also like to attend Baruch because of the variety of extracurricular available such including film, drama, computer and psychology. The school also is a great college preparatory school with a great community. The classes are typically small which provides me that student-teacher connection much better. The AP courses available are also a standout which includes Biology, Calculus, US History and others. All in all, I believe that Baruch College Campus High School would be an amazing community to be a part

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