Speech About Gangbangs

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When you gangbang you will do things that you don’t want to do. Some of the things you will do that you might not want to do are: (1) Lie to family and other people you care about. (2) Try drugs just to fit in with the other gangbangers. More often than not, you will become hooked. (3) Sell drugs, because that is one of the things gangs do. (4) Carry weapons. Knives and guns are usually the weapons of choice. (5) Have sex at a younger age than most people. This happens because you will try to fit in more with your gang’s members. (6) Get in a car and go along with whatever your gang’s members may be about to do. You may want to say “No, I don’t want this”, or “I don’t want to do that”, but you won’t. You will not say no. You usually won’t even…show more content…
When you gangbang the gang comes first, no matter what. If the things you like do not revolve around gangbanging there is a pretty good chance you will limit yourself from those things. If you want to grow up doing the things you like that make you truly happy, you shouldn’t gangbang. When you gangbang, you limit yourself to certain people because people who don’t gangbang are often scared of those that do. People won’t want anything to do with you if you choose to be a gangbanger. Any possible girlfriends or boyfriends you might find won’t want to jeopardize themselves or their families to be friends with you. They understand that you are living a dangerous lifestyle, and they will want to keep that as far away from themselves as possible. When you gangbang you tend to deal only with other gangbangers, so real friends are few and far between. When you gangbang, you won’t have time for friends outside your gang, and you will eventually find out that they aren’t really your friends. Any girlfriends or boyfriends you have will be other gangbangers. This limits the people you will meet and who will want to get to know you. If you don’t want to limit yourself to only dealing with certain people, you shouldn’t…show more content…
You may like to play basketball, football, baseball, soccer, or any other sport, but if you gangbang your gang is your first priority. You may be great at the sport you like. You may even be good enough to earn a scholarship to play for a college team and eventually turn pro, but gangbanging takes over your life so much that it will become something you wished you’d put more focus on. When you gangbang, sports seem to linger and never become important enough to make you straighten up your life. You will never find the time to put in the effort to accomplish your goal of making the team. You will never be able to make to practice, let alone games or meets. Gangbanging is so addictive that it will overpower your love of sports. There are thousands of gangbangers who are talented in so many areas, especially sports. Some could have possibly been some of the greatest baseball, basketball, or football players in history, but they allowed a life of gangbanging to hold them back. If you are good at sports and you think you could have a future playing them you should focus on your education so can stay eligible to play. If you chose to gangbang you will be just another gangbanger who could have been one of the greatest who ever played. If you have dreams and want to play sports, you shouldn’t

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