Solomon Moral Dilemma

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D. Moral Dilemma That Solomon Encounters In chapter 16, Solomon is having a moral dilemma. He is appointed by his current master, Epps to be a driver. Drivers are black slaves who assist the white overseer and ‘are compelled to do the whipping of their several gangs’. This means that Solomon must punish his fellow black friends if they made mistakes. The responsibility that Epps has given Solomon is very challenging, it made Solomon to question his own value. However, the moral dilemma is caused by the discrimination system that left Solomon no other choice. If he refused to take the ‘honor’ it will threaten his own life but on the other hand if he accepted it he has to whip his friends. On many occasions, Solomon tries to alleviate the punishment when Epps was away or distant but when Epps was near his sight Solomon “dared not show any lenity”. (p. 149)…show more content…
In this chapter, the Epps’s plantation has welcomed a new comer. A poor white male, Armsby. Seeing Armsby, Solomon thinks that he is his opportunity in contacting Solomon’s family, so that he could be rescued somehow. “I concluded finally to ask him simply if he would deposit a letter for me in the Marksville post-office.................,without disclosing to him that the letter was written,...............; for I had fears that he might betray me,.......” (p. 153) The quote above shows that Solomon was brave enough to risk his safety in order to be set free.It indicates that Solomon hasn’t given up on freedom, he is willing to use every opportunity that lies in front of him. He stated that “the hope of rescue was the only light that cast a ray of comfort on my heart” (p. 155) “He took down a heavy whip, and placing it in my hands, commanded me to lash her. Unpleasant as it was, I was compelled to obey him. ‘Strike harder, or your turn will come next, you scoundrel,’ he
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