Snow Whitey? Stereotyping In The Magical Kingdom By Gail Robertson

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What did we grow up on? In “Snow Whitey? Stereotyping in the magical kingdom”, Gail Robertson discusses Disney movies and its impact on children. Robertson argues that Disney is dangerous, secretive, and is not what it seems to be. Disney does a great job of hiding the negativeness and morals that they are trying to get across to you by adding animation and making it a childrens movie. Who would have ever thought these movies would have a total opposite meaning behind them? Robertson uses evidence from Disney movies and goes into detail about the non-accusation sense of Disney. I agree with Robertson because she uses significant evidence like logos, about Disney films, ethos, with evidence from the article, and pathos, related to real life situations with parents and their children, to prove her point. Robertson mentions Henri Giroux several times in her essay and uses him and his publications to help go into more detail about the sexist and racist world of Disney. Doug Nicholls says, “Giroux is one of the foremost contemporary writers on critical pedagogy, schooling, higher education, neo-liberalism and the condition of vulnerable young people”. Giroux started becoming interested in Disney films after watching some of them with his three sons. He says, “This isn’t just entertainment. Its teaching our children. Things teaching our…show more content…
Realizing what is going on in society today and growing up watching this film again has taught me a lot. It is nowhere near a childrens movie. I cannot believe I grew up loving this movie. Winter says, “The real story of the film is the marginalization of females, the vilification of gays, and the ghettoization of hierarchy and paternalism” (qtd. in Robertson para 13). All those are things you would not expect to be in a so-called childrens film. It is not only shocking but also disturbing. It will change your opinion on the Disney company as a whole. I know it surely did with

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