Beata Lisa Vs Blessed Beatrix

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Conducting comparisons are important in many aspects. A comparison answers the question: What are the similarities and differences between two subjects? Comparing different subjects allows one to put each one alongside one another and evaluate each piece in relation to another. In this comparison, I will be comparing two paintings. The first is Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, which is arguably the most recognized painting in the world, from the Italian Renaissance period. The second painting is Dante Gabriel Rosetti’s Beata Beatrix, meaning Blessed Beatrix, from the Victorian time period. Both oil paintings are of women and contain different contrasts of light and dark colors in the backgrounds, but use the elements a little differently. Although the Mona Lisa and the Beata Beatrix bare differences, both artists express themselves with great emotion similarly through the facial expressions of each painting.…show more content…
Only the wealthiest during that time were able to afford them, and even then may have only one in their entire lifetime. The Mona Lisa, literally meaning “Madam Lisa” is an oil painting of a woman named Lisa Giocondo. The painting features a woman wearing what seems to be some sort of veil centered in the middle of the portrait, smiling, and her eyes appear to be looking directly at the viewer. It is said that her eyes follow the viewer regardless of position. Her face is illuminated compared to the clothing she is wearing, and the background is also lighter in comparison to the dark colors used in her clothing and hair. Da Vinci uses great technique to make the face and her hands lighter to make them stand out, perhaps making it the focal point. There is also a great use of texture in her clothing, because you can see the lines and the ripples in her clothing. In the background Da Vinci seems to have used a technique known as “sfumato” in order to make the background appear well blended and

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