Smart Hotel Comparative Analysis

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In order to know whether different customers have the same attitudes to the usefulness of the smart hotel, ANOVA analysis has been used to the question number 11,16, and 19 to find out whether there are some differences among the answers from these three different groups customers. Moreover, multiple comparison analysis has also been used to exactly figure out which group has significant differences. First of all, according to the following ANOVA figure, all the signification is zero. Therefore, it is easily to see that all the groups have the apparent differences to the usefulness of the smart hotel. However, it is difficult to know which groups exactly have differences to the other one. Thus, multiple comparison was been adopted. Table. 5.1 ANOVA analysis of differences of three groups’ attitudes towards usefulness of smart hotel Based on the following figure,…show more content…
Moreover, for the items of paying machine having problems and disclosing personal information during the paying, it is found that only people who have tried smart hotel and tried at least once have the same ideas, the others all have the opposite ideas. Table. 5.5 Multiple comparisons of differences of three groups’ attitudes to smart hotel All in all, based on the previous analysis, it is clear to know all the items influence customers who have never heard and heard but never tried, which means they hold different opinions to the smart hotel. Besides, the items of paying machine having problems and disclosing personal information during the paying also have the impact on respondents who have never heard and tried at least once. BEHAVIORAL INTENTIONS TO

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