Sleep Deprivation And False Memory

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Sleep deprivation is a common form of sleeping disorder. The adversity of the disorder is such that it could possibly lead to disruptive cognitive behavior (Paula Alhola, 2007). Recently, a scientific journal and a popular article from science depicted that sleep deprivation could lead to false memory. While the study done in the scholarly journal gave a more detailed explanation, the popular article did not provide much scholarly content; thereby, making the journal seem more reliable and consistent than the latter as a source of good research methods and study. The journal “Sleep Deprivation and False Memories” investigates the study of how lack of sleep can affect one’s memory and cause false episodes of events. The purpose of…show more content…
Frenda et al., p. 1674).” Based on the tests that were conducted, it hypothesized that lack of sufficient sleep could affect one’s cognition; thereby, resulting to a false memory of an event not perceived by the individual. In the first trial, the variables were participants with sleep deprivation, and false memories. The variable of the second trial was participants with a measured sleep duration, resulted to false memory. Each of the variable from both the trials were measured in terms of being an independent or a dependent variable. In the first experiment, the independent variable was the self- report of the sleep duration of the participants, and the dependent variable was good memory recollection and reorganization. For the second trial, the independent variable is amount of sleep deprived from one group of participants, and giving good duration of sleep to the other group. Its resulting dependent variable is misidentification of events, false memory, good memory recollection…show more content…
However, the participants who were not deprived of their sleep did not show any symptoms of disruptive memory loss. The second trial also depicted similar results as the first trial. The group of participants who did not sleep showed “higher susceptibility towards disruptive memory, while the group who underwent self-reported sleep duration did not show any discernible difference in false memory (Steven J. Frenda et al., 2014).

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