Slavery Dbq Analysis

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Throughout mans existence there has always been a lesser race, no society has ever been completely equal. In America there were slaves, African Americans who were viewed as lessers to whites, they were treated very harshly, and they were enslaved to do tough physical labor. Slaves were forced to leave their homes to come to America to work on plantations and live their lives as objects, not people. When Slaves first came to America through the Middle Passage they were thrown on to huge ships and were given very little space, almost half died on the journey to America. As cotton production continued to grow in the South more and more slaves were needed and the slave trade rised. Slaves were of higher demand now, most slave owners would not kill…show more content…
Like many slaveholders in the South, Hammond believed that slavery was just another part of life. Hammond says “I deny that the power of the slaveholder in America is ‘irresponsible.’ He is responsible to God. He is responsible to the world. . . . he enjoys his civil rights.” Hammond believes that slave owners are not responsible to God, these are his opinions. The Bible never says this, Hammond is trying to justify the entire institution of slavery based on his beliefs. This is insane, how does one person believe that they know all that is right and wrong about the institution of slavery, they simply do not. Hammond also believes that, “American slavery is not only not a sin, but especially commanded by God through Moses, and approved by Christ through his apostles.” By this quote you could assume that slavery is okay, judging by the “Bible”, the problem with this is that these are Hammonds opinions, and that a lot of the scriptures in the Bible were falsified to make it seem like slavery was okay for the…show more content…
In document 13-3 a slave named Louisa fell ill, of course with her sickness she could not finish her task, while most would understand why she did not complete her task, she was still punished. According to the text, “she had again been unable to complete her appointed work; and Bran having told her to tie her up and flog her if she did not get it done,” These slave women had been mistreated terribly, not only were they not treated when they were ill, they were flogged when they could not complete their tasks due to sickness. All slaves had it rough, but women probably had it a bit worse, this is noted again in 13-3, “All these women had had large families, and all of them had lost half their children, and several of them had lost more. . .

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