Dominion And Desire In Macbeth

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In the tragedy Macbeth, dominion and desire are two powerful themes. As the main characters try to overcome their social pecking order and gain mastery, the will is strong. The characters try to become more than they are, they are revealed by their clothing. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth will realize how their clothes have uncovered them, and will try to dress to deceive. However, they can never fool themselves fully and will end up consumed by their attempts to do just that. While their garments may represent their true position, changing them cannot stop the force of faith. First of all, in the initiation of the play we get an example of how clothing uncovers who and what you are. When Banquo meets the witches he utters “What are these So withered, and so wild in their attire, That look not like th´inhabitants o´th´earth, and yet are on´t” (1.3.40). Although these witches have the physical form of women…show more content…
. . Lest our old robes sits easier than our new! “(2.4.40). He also recognizes the trauma the new role of Thane of Cawdor has caused Macbeth, “New honors came upon him, Like our strange garments, cleave not their mold but with the aid of use“(1.3.140-145). In other words, he wishes for Macbeth to slowly grow into his role as the Thane of Cawdor, instead of putting on the even more powerful clothing of the King. Finally, Macbeth shall succumb as well. He does it in an interesting fashion, “At least we´ll die with harness on our back” (5.6.50) in this harness Macbeth is in his rightful clothing, that we perceived him to wear in the beginning. Although faith had already gotten to him, he could die as himself. Still, had Macbeth embraced the thought of only being the Thane of Cawdor he might have survived, instead he desired perfection and dominion. This is proved by Macduff´s comforting words to Malcolm “For goodness dare not check thee: wear thee thy wrongs. .

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