1. List major activities performed during the lab experience. Identify menu items that you prepared and methods of cooking. Describe equipment used, both small and large. The first activity I performed during this lab time was to walk around the facility accompanied with the supervisor. She explained to me the HACCP they need to follow, how to use the equipment and where everything was located. I helped the Child Nutrition employees to prepare different meals such as hamburgers, cheeseburgers,
Using Chemical Reagents and Indicators to Determine the Presence of Macromolecules Nutrients in Unknown Solutions Abstract: To use chemical reagents to test for simple sugars and starch, proteins, and fats in the multiple procedure lab. Important equipment that was involved in this experiment included the chemical reagents such as Benedict’s reagent and Lugol’s solution for carbohydrates, Sudan IV indicator for lipids and Biuret reagent for proteins because these reagents determined the colour
Subsequently, amylose, the linear polymer of starch, was solubilized, cooled and precipitated over the bacteria-filled starch granules. Finally, the whole product, together with the growth medium, was freeze dried to a powder form. They found the encapsulated LAB can survive at least 6 months at room temperature under normal atmospheric humidity, and at least 18 months when