Simon Good Competition And Drug-Enhancing Performance Summary

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In Simon's Good Competition and Drug-Enhanced Performance, he discusses the role of ethics, morals, and values as they pertain to doping in sport. While this article is introductory, one specific concern it evaluates is the pursuit of “excellence” through performance enhancing substances and methods. While the bulk of the article focuses on the methodology and ethics of doping, one concern left open is the very concept of excellence that drives athletes (willing or otherwise) toward performance enhancing actions. This response is focused less on the ethics of doping itself, and instead on the terminology used – specifically the goal of excellence – as an empty qualifier. In the first section of the article, which sets parameters for a performance-enhancing drug, Simon uses the example that “drinking alcohol normally will hurt performance... in some sports, such as riflery, it can help.” This raises an interesting concern – that the standard for excellence can be dependent on an individual context. Later in…show more content…
Likewise, the level of competition should be grouped by level of performance. Both of these qualities are necessary to high performance sport, and can be affected by doping. Both require a reference point – something to be measured against. For competition, that is straightforward and understood as the opposite competitor(s). For performance, there are accepted benchmarks in individual sports that determine the level at which athletes perform. There is no doubt that doping changes competition and performance in sport. Using excellence to define athletic goals, however, leads to a lessening of the word itself. Excellent competition and excellent performance can happen in co-ordination, but remain context-dependent. As a result, using the term “excellence” to define both aspects of athletics is

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