Similarities Between Marx And Tocqueville

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Tocqueville and Marx both argue for an egalitarian modern society but their idea of equality for the modern social order differs, which leads to two distinctive conclusions, democracy for the former and communism for the latter, which is adopted by different nations in the world. Both social theorists place high importance in analysing the history of society to determine the modern social order, and agree with the rise of the industrial capitalist society following the collapse of the feudal social system. However, they have differing views with regards to the fundamental nature of the industrial capitalist society due to the difference in their conceptions of history that results in their distinct predictions for the future. This essay will…show more content…
The capitalist society is essentially similar to the previous societies in which there is a ruling and exploited class, namely, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The proletarian, which is the worker, is dependant on the bourgeoisie, the boss, for their livelihood. This class relation is not only entrenched within the economic relationships of production, but also affects the political superstructure as the bourgeoisie determines the social order. Marx asserts that the independence of the State at that time “exists only for the sake of private property…the State is the form in which the individuals of a ruling class assert their common interests” (Marx & Engels, 1978, p. 187) and the proletarians are subjugated under this superstructure and “has to bear all the burdens of society without enjoying its advantages” (Marx & Engels, 1978, p. 192). The bourgeoisie motivated to protect their own property, forms the government in order to establish these legislations, and becomes the ruling class dictating the social order. The proletarians, being dependent on the bourgeoisie, have no power to influence the social…show more content…
Yet, he claims that this aristocracy “only flourishes in industry and in some industrial callings, it is an exception, a monstrosity, within the general social condition” (Tocqueville, 2006, p. 557). Unlike Marx argument that the proletarian (poor class) depends on the bourgeoisie (rich class), Tocqueville argues that because there is no solidarity among the rich, and the workers are not dependant on just one superior, the workers can leave the job if they are being exploited (Tocqueville, 2006, p. 557). Thus, Tocqueville believes that industrial aristocracy is unlikely to influence the inequality in the

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