Greek Civilization Chapter 4 Summary

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Alex Bohr 9-10-14 Apwh Chapter 4 I'm Alex Bohr and I welcome you to another History as fast as Possible. Today we will be talking about the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. Way back in the year 2000 BCE, the island of Crete was influenced heavily by the Egyptians. 600 years later, in 1400 BCE, Mycenae, which is on the Greek peninsula, was then influenced by Crete. This was the beginning of the ancient civilization of Greece. The first stage of Greek development began in 800 BCE when Greek city states rapidly arose and began to participate in extensive trade. They traded olive oil, wine, and manufactured products such as silver. There was a key trade concern that private merchants transported goods and that luxury items made…show more content…
Athens, Sparta, and other small city states did defeat the Persian invasion. After the invasion, Pericles ruled in Athens. Greeks were very religious peoples. They worshiped many gods and goddesses. The Iliad and the Odyssey recorded mens interactions with various gods and goddesses. After Pericles died, the golden age of Athens began. It is also known as the age of Pericles. He was an aristocrat and integrated a democratic political structure. This all happened in the 5th century BCE. The peloponnesian wars between the states of Sparta and Athens were conducted in the years of 431-404 BCE. Though, ambitious kings From Macedonia soon conquered cities. Athens did surrender. The Hellenistic age soon came after the conquests when Greek art and culture merged with other Middle Eastern forms. Trade flourished and scientific centers were constructed during the Hellinistic Period. In the end, the Hellenistic period saw the end of the Greece civilization. Now, going back into time, in 509 BCE, aristocrats in Italy drove out the monarchy. They then established the Roman Republic. The republic had regional conquests and expanded their republic rapidly. The roman…show more content…
Before the seize of Greece by the Romans, Greeks developed contacts much slower than Rome did and Greece did it with more prejudice. Though, they were very similar to china and with the attitude towards non Greeks. About 100 years after the Punic wars ended, Julius Caesar defeats adversaries in in civil war, much like Abe Lincoln during the American Civil War. Although Caesar wasn't a president, he could be compared to Lincoln due to how Abe was disliked much throughout the South. His victory in the civil war ends the Roman Republic and begins a new era in Roman history, the Roman Empire. The empire instituted a new structure of government under the aid of Augustus Caesar in 27 BCE. After that, there was 200 years of peace in the Mediterranean world and up to Europe. To get into Roman politics just a bit, there were two consuls who shared executive power. The senate could gain power if there was a time of crisis. The Romans were a very religious people also. They did not practice christianity and who ever was caught practicing it was beaten. It wasn’t until the 4th century AD that Constantine made Christianity the official

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