Lack Of Control In Joseph Heller's Catch-22

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Sometimes we are caught in seemingly inescapable situations. Joseph Heller explains these in his 1961 novel, "Catch-22." In Heller's satirical book, he succeeds in developing the concept although he could have demonstrated the madness of a Catch-22 in a clearer way. There is comical aspect to the lengthy novel that just serves to further perplex the reader. Anyways Heller successfully produced a complex rule in his novel only to perplex the reader while doing so. "Catch-22" tells the story of Yossarian, a World War II bombardier. He has an obsession with the inevitably of death and believes everyone is trying to harm him. Inevitable death serves as one theme. Lack of control is another present theme. Heller wrote this book to somewhat entertain but to also demonstrate the craziness of a Catch-22. These themes, possibly among others, were not adequately and clearly developed. However, he presents themes through Yossarian's thoughts and actions. The inevitably of death is quickly presented in the first two chapters. Yossarian is in the hospital to avoid risking death. He also…show more content…
These are complex and puzzling situations and he could have done a better job in describing these. The language in the novel can be outlandish to various readers. Therefore, an adult or older teenage audience should be recommended for the novel. Numerous words in the book would most likely not be in the vocabulary of younger readers. He uses repetition in the book. Throughout the book people are continually referred to as crazy. This fact is repeated excessively. Events are sometimes repeated from different views or even the same view. Heller probably used this to add emphasis, but it is often unnecessary. He also uses the irony of the numerous crazy circumstances as an important element. Joseph Heller uses several devices to enlighten the reader but instead he will simply puzzle

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