Similarities Between Jainism And Sikhism

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Having been formed in the same general region, it is not surprising that the religions of Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Hinduism have some similarities. The basic philosophical ideals that Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism share are the beliefs in a system of karma, a cycle of rebirth, and the goal of ultimate liberation which leads to the end of the rebirth cycle and peace to the soul. However, the way that each religion goes about these shared philosophies and have other beliefs that set them apart. Buddhism and Jainism are nontheistic religions while Hinduism in a way is polytheistic (although each is just the incarnation of the same God), and Sikhism is monotheistic. The idea of karma also changes depending on the religion. For…show more content…
All of the religions preach non-violence but some take it to a higher level such as the Jain. Also, the path to liberation varies a little from religion to religion. In Hindu, there are several paths one can take depending on who they are, in Buddhism they connect all suffering to desire and so they follow the Eight Fold Path to end all desire and connection to the world. In Sikhism one can achieve liberation through devotion to God, hard work, and the avoidance of the five evils of lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego. Finally, for the Jain in order to reach liberation, one must follow the ethical pillars of Ahimsa (non-violence), Aparigraha (non-attachment), and Anekantwad…show more content…
The civil war has cousin fighting cousin, brother fighting brother, and friends fighting friends it’s a truly nightmarish sight to see them all lined up on the battlefield about to fight to the death. Now it is the time for battle, but for the first time in the entire epic, the greatest warrior, “Arjuna” expresses doubt and hesitation as we is unsure if he can go through with killing his cousins. Arjuna is the Pandavas’ champion who is rumored to be the greatest bowman in the entire world. He is known for his grand strategies and his unmatched bravery on the battlefield and so, his hesitation is very uncharacteristic. He arrived to the battlefield with his charioteer, Krishna, who unbeknownst to Arjuna, was the avatar of Vishnu which is the embodiment of the god creator. Krishna just simply showed up one day and tells Arjuna that he knew him in a past life and Arjuna didn’t question it further; he simply accepts Krishna as the blue man that he is and accepts him as a friend. Arjuna asks Krishna to bring his chariot to the middle of the battlefield so that he knows who he must fight against but when Krishna obeys his orders he finds himself distraught at the thought of

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