Similarities Between Gilgamesh And The Shepherd

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The Chronicle of Gilgamesh, scripture of the Hebrew Bible, and the Homeric epic Iliad can be described extremely different due to their storylines, underlying lessons, and other details. However, one can find a connection between these three texts at a basic idea of true sovereign power, and human mortality. With this idea in mind, one can develop the three into a single idea of that there are shepherds and then there are sheep. In all stories the themes are the gods and kings are our shepherds, rise and fall of power, the true meaning to be human, forgiveness, redemption, honor in bravery, acceptance of human mortality. The idea one can develop from these tales is human existence will live on with or without its shepherd. Another’s in that time a…show more content…
And in Gilgamesh, the Hebrew Bible, and The Iliad one can see the shepherd watches over the sheep and how the sheep interact with the shepherd and one another. In Gilgamesh one sees the King of Uruk, Gilgamesh, a powerful virile male. “And who, like Gilgamesh, can proclaim, “I am king!” Gilgamesh was singled out from the day of his birth. Two thirds of him was divine, one-third of him was human! The lady of Birth drew his body’s image, The God of wisdom brought his stature to perfection. He was perfection in height, and ideally handsome” (Gilgamesh, 100-101). “In the enclosure of Uruk he strode back and forth, Lording it like a wild bull, his head thrust high. The onslaught of his weapons had no equal” (Gilgamesh, 101) “He was harrying the young men of Uruk beyond reason. Gilgamesh would leave no son to his father, Day and Night he would rampage fiercely. He was the shepherd of ramparted Uruk, he was the people’s shepherd, Bold, superb, accomplished and mature!

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