The Effects Of Colonialism In Africa

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Introduction: The industrial revolution allowed Europe to become an one of the economic power houses of the world. Why the industrial revolution happened in Europe and not in Africa will be the subject of the argument. Specific reference will be on the period of the explorers (Ca. 1400-2750) and the period of the industrial revolution, specifically in Britain (Ca.1750-1900).The following aspects will be the main discussion points: Colonialism and its effect on Africa, Geographical location, the cultural difference between Africa and Europe, Human capital formation in both Countries and the institutional development in each continent. Colonialism and its effect on Africa: In order to discuss colonialism it is necessary to define what colonialism…show more content…
The economy in Britain went from being agriculturally based to being a manufacturing based economy(Cameron, 1993). This shift caused a development of a middle class, where literacy was becoming more widespread and workers were becoming more skilled. As education became more widespread technological and scientific development soon followed(Halleen, 2014). The culture in Europe, with regards to work, was one of where the labourers were used to working hard (Halleen, 2014). British farmers had incentive to mechanise as they saw the opportunity to make more of a profit (Halleen, 2014) as labourers were more skilled they demanded higher wages which further incentivised mechanisation. In Africa farmers were mainly subsistence farmers and weren’t concerned for profit, and therefore they had no incentive to mechanise(Allen, 2011). Even if farmers in Africa wanted to mechanise, they did not have the technology available to mechanise.Most of the population in Africa was illiterate and there were avenues for education to spread therefore new ideas and technologies were not developed in Africa. Accountants are an example of how education was developing the economy in Europe, secondary and tertiary industries were developed as a result of these technological and scientific breakthroughs. In contrast accountants were non-existent in Africa. Education is the basis of which human capital formation…show more content…
Halleen human capital formation is:” the value which individuals add to the economy.” As a result of colonialism and specifically slavery Africa had much less labourers to develop and to work in their economy, and the workers that were in Africa were manly unskilled workers who could only do physically intensive work. Europe had a surplus of labour, of which a large majority were skilled labourers due to mass education and they had physical labourers due to the influx of slaves(Halleen, 2014). Human capital formation was a result of effective institutions in Europe which allowed workers to effectively develop their skills and to develop their respective

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