Side Effects Of Survivor's Guilt

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“Yes, life always takes the side of life, and somehow the victims are blamed. But it wasn’t the best people who survived, nor did the best ones die. It was random!” (Spiegelmen, 1991). This quote reminds us that if someone died, it is not because they deserved it or because other people are more deserving to live; it does not happen by choice. However, once it is effectuate, this can cause certain people who were either involved in the tragedy or were witnesses to undergo a feeling of guilt, known as survivor’s guilt. These people may feel like it was partly their fault due to the belief that they may have been able to help, or at least exert oneself. Nevertheless, this can result in psychological problems or side effects that can influence…show more content…
It can be defined as to what degree memories are linked to the human emotions, which are either expressed or repressed. The bulk of emotions that are dealt with by survivors are lonesomeness, inequity, and insecurity which are respectively the isolation from friends and family, the scarcity of fairness, and the deficiency in self-confidence (Nader, 2001). When emotions are expressed, the patients ordinarily feel superior due to the immense weight being lifted. However, it may induce detachment between them and loved ones. On the other hand, repressed emotions are not only the pretext of emotional detachment, yet physical detachment as well. When patients are isolated, this leads to them recalling past events, which can possibly be the rationale behind suppressing the emotions. They may feel remorseful for what happened, thereby not wanting to engage in it. Another reason for this effect is the perception of the event. It is interpreted as whether the event truly took place or whether it was imagined. All the same, an event being envisioned will still feel real for the victim that, in return, will provoke that person to be…show more content…
It is known as the relationship a person has with loved ones; such as family, friends or a companion. When a person is struggling with something as serious as survivor’s guilt, the experience can affect the strength of any relationship made with the victim. That is to say that victims ordinarily isolate themselves from friends and family in view of the fact that they may have difficulties perpetuating cognitive attention or they may undergo harmful impulses that are capable of profoundly affecting themselves and others (Real warriors, 2014). Henceforth, unresolved guilt is stabilizing and can drastically alter relationships developed between two individuals. In parallel, experiencing the loss of someone may be a wake-up call for the victim, thus creating stronger bonds from that moment forward. Under those circumstances, it will be considered as an act of honoring the fallen and valuing existing relationships in addition to life. Significantly, survivor’s guilt is not only qualified as an immobiliser, then again likewise as a mobiliser. In like manner, it can inspire victims to revamp their lives and reassess every step and decision made in the future (Nader, 2001). Be that as it may, if the event was experienced with a close friend or even a stranger, the relationship between those two people will change; making them feel closer on account of what

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