Should Homework Be Abolished Essay

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By: Morgan Hawkins Homework, all students hate it right? Well, it might be helping you. Homework shouldn't be abolished. Studies show homework isn't much of a burden, and The art of not helping: let the children do their own homework. Off to studies results. Too many parents complain about how their kids either have too much or too little homework. To fix that teachers have taken the grade (number) times ten, so a 6th grader should have no more than 60 minutes of homework a night. But it's not just the assignment that the kid is mad about, it's the motivation of the student to do their homework. Next is only YOU should do your homework! Kids like their parents helping them with their homework, but in the future they lack some skills. I'm…show more content…
They also won't be very successful if they don't learn outside of school and/or work. So homework helps you in many ways, like in tests, better grades, in your job and in daily life, so re-think your attitude toward homework.By: Morgan Hawkins Homework, all students hate it right? Well, it might be helping you. Homework shouldn't be abolished. Studies show homework isn't much of a burden, and The art of not helping: let the children do their own homework. Off to studies results. Too many parents complain about how their kids either have too much or too little homework. To fix that teachers have taken the grade (number) times ten, so a 6th grader should have no more than 60 minutes of homework a night. But it's not just the assignment that the kid is mad about, it's the motivation of the student to do their homework. Next is only YOU should do your homework! Kids like their parents helping them with their homework, but in the future they lack some skills. I'm not saying that the parent can't help, but if they help over the limit it can lower their test scores. When the student doesn't get assisted by their parents it shows their creative side on projects and their intelligence's on daily assignments. Now we head to what other people might say about this

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