Sexualization Of Women In Advertising

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Media advertisements have consistently prevaded and defined our society through which we understand the social norms of our everyday world. Advertisements help promote product and service, as well as encourage sales and influence ideas. By understanding the role of media in advertising we can reveal indirect messages, contrast producer driven goals to consumers and focus on its attractive demographics. The magazine advertisement I chose for “Paper B” was a Dolce & Gabbana advertisement first published in the spring and summer issues of high-class fashion magazines in 2007. Ever since then, it has had a lot of attention from the world all over. This ad depicts a woman in black lingerie and stilettos, what looks to be, being held down by a half naked man and several men surrounding her. By depicting the pieces of this specific magazine ad, I strive to reveal the underlying psychographics and positioning created in its entirety. By first glancing at the…show more content…
This term explains how ads portray women being dominated by men in the images with violent and abusive connotations. A huge seller in the collaboration of the advertising and fashion industries is portraying women and men in sexualized circumstances. This Dolce & Gabbana ad shows a woman in revealing clothing being restrained by a man. The woman is slender, beautiful, and wearing Dolce & Gabbana. There are four men surrounding her, which is illustrating that she is irresistible and desirable. This term can also be tied with “Male gaze” because it appeals to the empowerment of men over women, furthermore, the domination of a white male supremacist society. More evidently, the advertisement also uses “positioning”. Dolce & Gabbana more importantly uses this strategy to distinguish their apparel from others: By the woman being surrounded by many attractive men, it conveys the message that “If you wear Dolce & Gabbana. you will attract more men like

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