Sergiovanni Moral Leadership

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School leaders who embrace and demonstrate a moral purpose of equity support the desire for equitable schools that are inclusive for all students. One important scholar in the development of moral leadership was educational professor Thomas J. Sergiovanni. In his influential 1996 book, entitled Moral Leadership: Getting to the heart of school improvement, Sergiovanni presents the argument of the legitimacy of moral authority in school leadership. According to Sergiovanni (2006) the foundational base of school leadership lies in the perceived reality of his or her beliefs, values, and commitments. Sergiovanni (2006) argues that professional and moral authority should be the foundation of educational leadership practice. In addition, leading leadership researcher Michael Fullan (2011) contends that school leaders with strong moral…show more content…
According to Starratt (2004) moral leadership involves the moral activity embedded in the conduct of leading. Furthermore, Foster (1986) argues that the moral side of school leadership is embedded in the greater social context of what it means to be human. Branson (2014b) points out that moral integrity is based on the fundamental belief that individuals make instinctive decision based on the sense of a greater good rather than selfish benefits and it is action that “liberates us from behaving unethically and endangering the well-being” (p. 271) of students. With this in mind, Branson (2014b) finds that moral behavior is an essential component of ethical leadership, going further, then, moral integrity becomes a fundamental prerequisite of ethical leadership. In short, school leaders holding moral principles make decisions based on the idea for democratic

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