Segregation In Vancouver: A Case Study

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In our world today, segregation is an recurring issue that impacts several human beings in North America. Segregation is defined as “the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Segregation can occur in numerous ways and there are also several types of segregation. For example, segregation by income, sex, language, age, race, taste and many more. When looking at segregation maps in cities like New York, the racial segregation is extremely present. Vancouver however is another city that shows a great extent of racial segregation between the White population, Chinese and South Asians. This essay will consist of an investigation of hypotheses about the amount of preference for neighbors similar to myself would result in the kind of observable segregation seen in a city like Vancouver. First, a famous…show more content…
I have lived in Coquitlam, Vancouver and Richmond and I have witnessed the extent of racial segregation in these areas, particularly Richmond. The Vancouver Sun published an article showing an interactive map of ethnicity in Metro Vancouver. On May 8th, 2011, Statistics Canada showed that most immigrants in B.C lived in Metro Vancouver and were mainly from Asia. This meant accounting for 40% of the total population of the region. The article also shows that that 70% of residents in Richmond reported to being a visible minority, as did more than half in Burnaby of a total of 59.5%. It also showed that Surrey had 53% and Vancouver had 52%. The city of Vancouver has the most population of Chinese people in metropolitan areas. There is a total population of 2,280,700 people and 411,470 of the population is

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