Second Order Cybernetic Analysis

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7. Second-order cybernetic description of the Rogers family. Second-order cybernetics adopts the view that everything is connected, but sees systems in a more subjective way. This is done by taking into consideration the observer effect. In other words, something cannot be obsevered without being affected. An example of this, is that of the Hawthorne effect found in research studies. Another difference between the two perspectivves is that FOC view systems as open and allow input from outside systems, where SOC sees them as closed. Second order therapists observe the system from the inside. These therapists actually become part of the system. According to this approach the therapist works together with the family to solve their problems.…show more content…
The structure of the system, rather than the environment, governs what a system does and what is allowed to take place in the system without loss of identify. What the system does is correct, it can never be wrong. If what the system does is wrong, it is only wrong from the perspective of an outsider (Becvar & Becvar 2013). . While it is necessary for new information, such as Cathy’s eating disorder and Lindy’s developing identity, to be incorporated into the system, it is of equal import that the family has its own identity and rules. It is the manner in which the members relate with each other that generates the unity felt within that system. The system itself determines the changes that it can incorporate without loss of identity. Without this cohesive identity, the entire family would lose their connectedness and commitment to each other, and in so doing, jeopardise the survival of the system. With that said, from an outsiders perspective the Rogers family looks to be in a state of chaos and there is no unity felt throughout the family. They have formed division through triangulation. To ensure the family’s survival as a unit, they need to make radical changes to their behaviours and structure of the…show more content…
There is no cause and effect. Systems interact with other systems (structural coupling) and the mutual influence is recursive, and a change in the system emerges as a function of these recurring influences and interactions. Becvar and Becvar (2013) also speak of non-purposeful drift, in which the system is in a constant flux of changes and adaptations, and that all interactions take place within a given context. These changes are accepted as part of the system in which all changes are incorporated within the same domain in which they were created. We speak of the life of a system as a process of non-purposeful drift. Non-purposeful drift continues as long as the system exists. The therapist recognises that they cannot change the family system. They work in partnership with family members to facilitate the creation of a new context which is supportive of the behaviours desired by the family. It is important that the therapist recognise the limitations of what is possible given the family’s structure and

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