Schindler's List: Jewish People Hunted By German Nazi

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Throughout the movie Schindler’s List, many tragedies occur resulting in mass deaths of Jewish people who are hunted by German Nazi’s. The lives of many are impacted through the long terrifying years of the many attacks, beatings, and traumatizing camps the Jews experienced. Although there were no bright moments through these terrifying years, if anything was a highlight for the Jews it was the changes Oskar Schindler made in their lives. Oskar Schindler was one of the many important people in history who made a difference and is still recognized today. Throughout Schindler’s List, it begins with many Jews going through to see if they are eligible to work for the man himself, but when many of the Jews are not eligible, Schindler…show more content…
The Nazis' Final Solution threatened Schindler's factory itself. Increasingly helpless, Schindler found that dangerous incidents happened more and more often, this caused him to make huge moves where he could possibly be looked down on as a German, but he still exceeded everybody’s expectations, and continued to fight for what he wanted as well as the others. Not only did he make a difference in single people’s lives, he also made a difference throughout history. Schindler, being a German man, equally loved the German women, as well as the “weak” Jew women. In the movie Schindler’s List, it was the day of his birthday, and he was kissing many German women in appreciation for birthday wishes, and in the next scene, every German person gets quiet when two little Jewish women come in with a cake for Schindler, and everyone watches to see how he responds to the women. In the scene, everyone stares at Schindler astonished when he treats them the same and sends them the same love and appreciation back, with a kiss. This was a big moment in history because, he did something no German would ever do, this would ruin reputations, but Schindler didn’t even care to ruin it, because he had realized he was doing big things, that are now recognized all over the

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