Satirical Devices In A Mighty Wind

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The movie a mighty wind uses aesthetics paired with sound to help incorporate a satiric view of how realistic a movie can or should be. Satire is also used to push a false truth that the time when folk music was popular was a time of very little conflict. The film shows this satire through its use of over dramatized scenes of the different folk singers trying to work to get everything together for the reunion concert. The film achieves this through an incoherent story line, nostalgia, the use of aesthetics as spectacle, and pastiche. Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey A mighty wind gives a decently realistic view of what it could have been like to play folk music back in the time that that kind of music was considered popular even though the film was made in the twenty-first century. The film supports this realistic view through its use of pastiche in imitating an…show more content…
Throughout the film there is a solid use of bright colors mainly in the outfits, making the movie seem very happy and cheerful, however the whole movie is based around one man’s death so it would make more sense to use a darker color scheme. Considering this aspect of the film and the fact that everyone is happy in light of a tragic event makes the audience wonder how real this film is supposed to actually be. The film along with bright colors I feel uses even the music to help back up the satirical idea that that time period was one of a happier time. The lyrics used in some of the songs are actually kind of depressing at points yet they are played with a happy upbeat tempo. When these lyrics are paired with the bright colors it makes things seem happier than they really are. Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

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