Sarty In William Faulkner's Barn Burning

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William Faulkner the author of Barn Burning and other literary works. Identified key aspects of creating good literature in his Nobel Prize Acceptance speech. The writer should include the heart in conflict with someone that they have a relationship with. Faulkner’s Barn Burning was about a boy named Sarty, struggling to deal with his father Abner. Abner a very cold, stiff man commits crimes, his most recent one burning a barn. Sarty has to decide whether to betray himself by going against his ethics of telling the truth or his father by turning his back on him. In addition, Faulkner’s Barn Burning story was an exceptional piece of literature from the definition provided due to Sarty’s heart being conflicted. Sarty thinks of running away to escape his father, or continue to stand by his father and continue to suffer from Abner’s actions . While the mother tries to influence Sarty to stand up…show more content…
She’s conflicted on whether to show Sarty that she can stand up to Abner or just give up because of her failed efforts. The mother only makes a few appearances in the text, but leaves great impacts on Sarty, since he witnesses all her emptemps. She’s tied in between standing up or becoming voiceless. “He saw his mother come to the door once and look toward them with an expression, not anxious now, but very much like despair.” (Faulkner, 14). This is important because this is from Sarty’s view, he has just witnessed his mother try to stand up to Abner about cleaning the rug. Abner turns to the mother and say “You go back and git dinner.” (Faulkner, 13). Now instead of speaking she just looks depressed because of the whole family being under control. By Sarty seeing this at first he was probably saying wow, if my mother can stand up to Abner so can I. But after the turn out he has probably lost the glimmer of hope, just like his

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