Saroo Brrierley Analysis

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Author’s context: research Saroo Brierley, a boys journey around the world that blew people away. Indian born in 1981, Australian businessman and author. Saroo wrote his first book in 2013, the book was an autobiography, he writes about his journey from being lost in India to arriving in Australia to live. As a young boy, Saroo lived in India, living a hard working and busy life you could say. Growing up in India was hard work in the past and still is today. There are so many people and families living in poverty not eating enough to live or even get through the day. The environment of the little villages was terrible an example of this is the streets are filled with rubbish because there are no rubbish bins and lack of adequate facilities…show more content…
Brierley’s story is told by him about his life and his experiences. Told in the first person he tells us about his grabbing story with scary and exciting experiences. Brierley doesn't have anyone else to tell his story because he was the only one there and there was no one to support him in his terrifying journey around India. He is a very smart person to have to remember so much detail about his childhood. As I said before Brierley couldn't of remember every little detail about his childhood so he would have had to fill in some gaps about his childhood. Narrative structure The lion a strong brave creature that isn't afraid of most things it can relate to saroo on how brave he is and how emotionally and physically strong he was through his journey from India to Australia. I think that they could have picked a better title, I think before the movie came out there was already a book out called A long way from home which I think suits the book a lot better than lion I get that they are trying to make it stand out but the word “lion” doesn't really represent anything about his story. I think that A long way from home grabs your attention a lot more and tells you and gives you a little idea of what the story is about. A significant event that happened in the story that made Brierley's story so amazing is when he became very lost in

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