Salinity In The Grassland

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Salinity Salinity has an impact on the productivity of the Temperate Grassland biome in the Murray-Darling Basin as it kills shallow-rooted plants; shallow-rooted plants can’t keep the water table sable as they aren’t native. Salinity impacts vegetation, rivers, drinking water, buildings, and roads, etc. The Murray-Darling Basin is a major source for civilization as 3 million people use the Murray-Darling Basin for household needs. Salinity is the amount of salt present in the land’s surface, or dissolved water in rivers or groundwater. Salinity is caused by the water table rising, which causes the salt to rise to the surface. Two impacts due to salinity are; the impact on water quality for animals and humans and the impact on crop quality…show more content…
Primary Salinity is a natural way that salinity can be formed like the weathering of the rock and the movement of ocean water due to evaporation. Secondary Salinity or Dry-land Salinity is when the groundwater levels rise, which can clear out perennial (long-time) native plants. Tertiary Salinity or Irrigation Salinity is when water is reapplied to crops; either directly or allowing it to filter into the groundwater before pumping re-application. Figure 2 shows what can occur with all the native plants being removed. Deep-rooted plants can suck up the rainwater and keep the water table in balance so the salt on top of the water table doesn’t come up; there is a salt layer on top of the groundwater. In the long run of the area all the plants will die out and you will be able to see areas where salt has risen to the surface. The native plants which were left have sunken into the groundwater, which shows them not being able to collect water and have died. Figure 2.1 shows what will occur if we cut trees from the top of the hill with a farm being planted at the bottom. Cutting deep-rooted plants will make it harder for us to control the land without salinity occurring. With the native trees, there will be minimal run-off going down the hill into the farm while if the trees are cut, then there will be no plants sucking up the rain to prevent…show more content…
The only way that the water has been taking the salt out from the Murray-Darling River is through the opening which connects the ocean to the river which is located near Adelaide. River salinity can also be managed through salt intercept which started in 1988; intercepting saline water flow and disposing of them by evaporation. Due to salinity, the quality of water for drinking and irrigation have a high level of salt, therefore resulting in the taste of the water being salty and produce laxative effects. This can occur naturally through deposits in the ground, however, salinity in drinking water can also be stopped by a technology which requires no chemicals, no filters, and no maintenance. The Hydro-smart device has been used to remove salt in drinking water for over 15 years around the world. This device can be used for household needs and uses less energy than a light-bulb. This device relates to the pipes and can be fit in any shape of pipe size while keeping the pipe in good condition. Salinity has also affected the houses, shown in Figure 3, Salinity eats the brick slowly and gradually takes the salt out of the brick and concrete leaving the house demolished. Houses that are said to last for 25 years last 2 years; driving on the road which salinity has made its way into can be dangerous to drive on and cause accidents. Figure 4 shows when salinity

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