Saint Isidore's Influence On Spain

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When Roman culture was dominant, it brought with it the music and ideas of Ancient Greece, whereby the reciting of epic poetry and folk music played an integral role. In the sixth century, Saint Isidore of Seville recorded the first information about the early music of the Christian church. Isidore’s influences were predominantly Greek, yet, being an original thinker, he recorded some of the first information about the early music of the Christian church. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries a deluge in the ‘Zarzuela’, a Spanish form of opera, popular and folk music occurred throughout Spain. This secular, lyric-dramatic genre of music allegedly derived from the Palacio de la Zarzuela, in Madrid, when it was presented as a type…show more content…
In the wake of Franco’s death, zarzuela came back into mainstream music in Spain, particularly among the younger generation. These deviate styles of music that Spain has developed for centuries include the cobla, a traditional music ensemble of Catalonia, which was generally accompanied by the Sardana, a traditional Catalan folk dance. The cobla contrasts distinctly to the distinct musical traditions of Galicia in northwest Spain, that goes back to the Middle Ages. Jota, which blends the guitar, castanets, tambourines and sometimes the flute, is popular throughout the whole of Spain. Although its historical roots are attributed to Aragon. It varies considerably from region to region, ranging from uniquely slow in Castilla y Leon to a more energetic in Leon. Aragon is the ‘guitarro’, a small unique guitar which remains a popular instrument today in the Murcia Region.The guitar was invented in Andalusia in the 1790s when a sixth string was added to the Moorish lute. It gained its modern shape in the 1870s. Spanish musicians have taken the humble guitar to dizzying heights of virtuosity and none more so than Andres Segovia (1893-1997), who established classical guitar as a

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