Voltaire's Use Of Optimism In Candide

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In Voltaire’s novella, Candide, the master of lessons and philosophy uses his belief in Optimism as a shelter, a defense, and an excuse for his existence. Pangloss, the professor of “meatphysico-theologico-cosmolo-nigology” (Voltaire, pg. 1), holds fast to a philosophy that excuses all the evils in the universe. This philosophy called Optimism allows Pangloss to experience the freedoms and foibles of the world without any cause or commitment. His blanket retort of “there is not effect without a cause” and that “this [is] the best of all possible worlds” (pg. 1) allows Pangloss to excuse any ill-doing or side effect of lost moral fiber. This fallacy of judgement and philosophy is penultimate when Pangloss dismisses his contraction of a venereal

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