Romeo And Juliet Forcefulness Of Love Essay

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The Fall of Romeo The forcefulness of love is one of the most common themes in Romeo and Juliet. It is developed throughout the play, and informs the reader that love can lead to uneducated decisions. For the two teenagers, love is the only thing worth living for. Because of this, it is no wonder that their love causes their downfall. Shakespeare teaches us, through Romeo’s character, that foolish behavior is often caused by devout love. Romeo is blinded by his love for Juliet, which alters his views and eventually leads to his suicide. The first example of the forcefulness of love is in the second act. Even though Romeo is aware of the risks, he puts himself in danger to see Juliet after the Capulet party. This is explained in the dialogue first shared when Romeo reveals himself to Juliet, who is on the balcony. “Juliet: The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here. Romeo: And what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.” (Act 2, Scene 2, page 823) Romeo naively tells Juliet that his love will defeat all outside forces, and that he is in no danger. His newfound love for Juliet causes him to leave his friends, and climb…show more content…
After he is exiled, instead of immediately leaving Verona like he was told to, he stays to be with Juliet. Much like in the first act, he is only a moments away from being caught, and possibly being put to death. He tells Juliet in one of their last moments together that he would rather be killed than leave Verona. “Romeo: Let me be ta'en, let me be put to death. i am content, so thou wilt have it so.” (Act 3, Scene 5, page 865) Although he says this, he does eventually leave Verona, and moves to the outskirts of the town. This dialogue is important because it shows how Romeo is willing to, once again, put his life on the line to be with

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